Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Another Gospel?

My brother enjoys taking an elderly couple from his church out to eat from time to time. He invites me to come when I'm free. I do not enjoy this. The couple is complacent and never talks about the Lord. They apparently believe they can coast into heaven. Their pastor preaches a salvation message every Sunday. He is not feeding the sheep, as Jesus commanded. He (the pastor) teaches the popular doctrine that you can't lose your salvation, even if you show no evidence of salvation, and behave in a godless manner. (My brother's friends do not behave in a godless manner). He also teaches that the church will not have to go through the tribulation. So he is preaching a gospel that makes no demands on the believer and puts the believer above his or her master. Jesus suffered. His disciples will, too. Suffering is a prerequisite for glorification (Romans 8:17). I fear for my brother's friends, and for his pastor on Judgment Day, and they will be woefully unprepared for tribulation.


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