Monday, September 27, 2010

What did Arminius Really Say?

The original 5 points of Jacobus Arminius. 1. God from eternity past determined to save all who believe in Jesus and to "leave the incorrigible and unbelieving in sin and under wrath." 2. Christ died for and obtained redemption and forgiveness of sins for all, but these benefits are effective only for those who believe on Christ. 3. Man cannot "think, will, nor do anything that is truly good," and that includes saving faith, but must be regenerated. 4. That God's grace is absolutely essential for salvation, but that it may be resisted. 5. That those truly saved through faith in Christ are empowered by the Holy Spirit to resist sin; but whether they could fall away from the faith "Must be more particularly determined out of the Holy Scriptures before we can teach it with full persuasion of our minds." All of the above found in What Love Is This? by Dave Hunt. So we have Conditional election (Free Will), Unlimited Atonement, Total depravity, Resistible Grace, and later in his life, loss of election. Arminius was a Calvinist. When he made these statements, he was not attempting to set up a system of theology. He was responding to the abuses of Calvinism at the Council of Dort, much like Luther and his 95 Theses. His concern was that Calvinists placed no responsibility on the believer, and made sin irrelevant to one's standing with God. Arminius wanted to give that responsibility back to the believer.


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