Thursday, March 17, 2011

Naturalist or Supernaturalist?

Francis Schaeffer never ceases to amaze me - how he really nails the issues in the Church. He and I seem to share similar concerns.

I have been concerned about dead orthodoxy, and have been exhorting people to learn to know Jesus better through experiencing (i.e. applying) what He taught. The Word is a Person, and so often today's Church completely misses this relational aspect of Christian living. But it's so powerful! That is probably why the devil keeps so many eyes closed to this.

Schaeffer uses other terminology, naturalist and supernaturalist, for example. He says most Christians live as if there is no supernatural. He says we should live supernatural lives, since we are connected to the supernatural. In the Bible, it's a given.

He warms up to this idea by discussing the Holy Spirit. He says we should let the Holy Spirit do things through us, rather than relying on our own effort. Then this surprise: He explains how the Holy Spirit connects us to the eternal (supernatural and Heavenly)realm. We are connected all the time.

He asserts that the letter of the Word is not enough. There must be a demonstration before the watching world, and before the the beings in heavenly realms. 9 "God sent me to reveal the secret plan that had been hidden since the beginning of time by God, who created everything. 10 God’s purpose is now to show the rulers and powers in the heavens the many different varieties of his wisdom through the church" (Ephesians 3:9-10 Common English Bible).

Now I'm putting my "two-cents worth" in. How do we learn to communicate in this realm without dipping into the type of spirit communication that is forbidden? One thing we do is cultivate a strong relationship with Jesus, Who is the Living Word. We do this by approaching the Bible, not as a collection of proof-texts, but a book about relationship with Him. We view the Bible as a means of grace, through which God speaks to us and empowers us through His Holy Spirit, not as a check-list of things we have to do. We should approach worship, prayer, and the Lord's Supper, all in this way.

We should approach all of these with an obedient heart, and a willingness to apply all that He says, in every area of our lives. The Holy Spirit leads the way in this. Trust Him. It takes time to cultivate a relationship with Him, so be patient. Avoid going after supernatural manifestations. That ensnares (traps) people. It's not about signs and wonders, but about relationship with Jesus. Seek the Giver for Himself, not the gift. He is worthy.

My Bible study guide would help. This approach isn't for the faint-hearted or lackadaisical. Only the dead serious need apply.


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