Tuesday, September 06, 2011

How About Some Application

In some ways I'm like Ruth. Ruth went to a people not her own with the Lord's leading and was immensely blessed. In a way, I have too.

My family is distant, mostly emotionally. I have 22 households of relatives in my hometown and surrounding communities, and I seldom see any of them. One brother is in Pennsylvania, but even if he and his wife are here, they are distant, so to speak. My two brothers are like the unnamed kinsman redeemer in the book of Ruth. He didn't want to redeem Ruth. My brothers keep me at as much of a distance as they can. In fact, one of my brothers actually said that I chose to be single. Now I was on my own. But this is not the Biblical attitude.

The unnamed kinsman redeemer in Ruth was more interested in economics than in God or people. He was afraid he'd ruin his own inheritance if he married her. But would God make a law that would ruin those who kept it? No. The man wasn't living by faith.

I can't read the minds of my family, but I think money is part of the problem between them and me. There is some evidence. Caring for someone who is poor is very costly. But lest you think I'm having a pity party, let me tell you where I'm going.

There have been people (church leaders) who have criticized my brothers for not taking care of me. That doesn't help anyone. But instead of forcing my brothers and sisters-in-law to do something they should, but obviously don't want to do, the Lord simply gave me another brother who has more than made up for all of my relatives combined. My life has been transformed in every conceivable way, but it is clear the Lord doesn't intend to make me rich.

As I look at my "distant" family, and this new brother the Lord has given me, I don't need an interpreter to understand that this arrangement is God's wonderful and perfect will for my life. So I don't miss my family. God has replaced them. I don't fuss about what they don't do. I rejoice over the spiritual abundance the Lord has lavished on me, and am thankful for the financial improvement, too.

If anyone out there is in a similar situation, don't fret over what or whom you don't have. If you had them, you might regret it. Remember Adam and Eve. We're still dealing with the results of their desire to have something more than what God gave them, and we will until Jesus comes. Treasure what you have.


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