Saturday, September 08, 2012

Ready for the Tribulation?

I mentioned earlier that I believe we are in the Tribulation. I believe it because Of study I've been doing for several years. The main passage people use to "prove" the pre-tribulation rapture, 1 Thessalonians 4, does not mention the church, so the context does not support it. The restraining one in that passage could just as well be a political figure, or a prayer warrior. In fact, I believe it was a political figure, but I'm not going to put my speculations out on the internet. I'm not the only one who believes this view.

I don't believe the pre-tribulation rapture is supported by the context of all of Scripture. Jesus suffered for us, not so that we would escape suffering, but to leave us an example that we should follow in His steps (1 Peter 2:18-21). Not only that, the church in every generation has suffered somewhere on the earth. Why should we Americans think we'll escape before it comes around to us? The Tribulation is not suffering for our sins. It is Satan's warfare against the saints. Read the book of Revelation.

I first heard Gary Kah speak in the mid-90's. He has done meticulous research about the things that are going on behind the scenes to set up the kingdom of antichrist. You can do a search on him online and find out. His work is well-documented, making it easy to check up on him. For a long time, he included timetables on the various globalist meetings.

There is way to much for me to post here. But 12/22/12 is the date they have set to launch the one world government. The Bible puts this event in the middle of the tribulation. This is not setting the time of Jesus' return, just the official launch of the one-world government, with the one-world religion not far behind. 12/21/12 we can expect some cataclysmic events in the heavenlies. If you go to, you can download Mr. Kah's message of 4/26/12 for free. It documents some of the things I've been telling you. He also has a quarterly newsletter, which is well worth subscribing to.

Are you ready for the Tribulation?


Blogger Rocky2 said...

[Right on, Leeward. I enclose what I ran into on the web. Lord bless.]

(This article reveals research that is No. 1 on the "hate list" of many "fundy" Christians because it shows that their idolized "rapture" belief - the inspiration behind Lindsey's and LaHaye's all-time bestsellers - is only a 19th century invention and that credit for it long given to John Darby should go to a long unknown 15-year-old girl in Scotland!)

Margaret Macdonald's Rapture Chart !

"church" RAPTURE "church"
(present age) (tribulation)

In early 1830 Margaret was the very first one to see a pre-Antichrist (pretribulation) rapture in the Bible - and John Walvoord and Hal Lindsey lend support for this claim!
Walvoord's "Rapture Question" (1979) says her view resembles the "partial-rapture view" and Lindsey's "The Rapture" (1983) admits that "she definitely teaches a partial rapture."
But there's more. Lindsey (p. 26) says that partial rapturists see only "spiritual" Christians in the rapture and "unspiritual" ones left behind to endure Antichrist's trial. And Walvoord (p. 97) calls partial rapturists "pretribulationists"!
Margaret's pretrib view was a partial rapture form of it since only those "filled with the Spirit" would be raptured before the revealing of the Antichrist. A few critics, who've been repeating more than researching, have noted "Church" in the tribulation section of her account. Since they haven't known that all partial rapturists see "Church" on earth after their pretrib rapture (see above chart), they've wrongly assumed that Margaret was a posttrib!
In Sep. 1830 Edward Irving's journal "The Morning Watch" (hereafter: TMW) was the first to publicly reflect her novel view when it saw spiritual "Philadelphia" raptured before "the great tribulation" and unspiritual "Laodicea" left on earth.
In Dec. 1830 John Darby (the so-called "father of dispensationalism" even though he wasn't first on any crucial aspect of it!) was still defending the historic posttrib rapture view in the "Christian Herald."
Pretrib didn't spring from a "church/Israel" dichotomy, as many have assumed, but sprang from a "church/church" one, as we've seen, and was based only on symbols!
But innate anti-Jewishness soon appeared. (As noted, TMW in Sep. 1830 saw only less worthy church members left behind.) In Sep. 1832 TMW said that less worthy church members and "Jews" would be left behind. But by Mar. 1833 TMW was sure that only "Jews" would face the Antichrist!
As late as 1837 the non-dichotomous Darby saw the church "going in with Him to the marriage, to wit, with Jerusalem and the Jews." And he didn't clearly teach pretrib until 1839. His basis then was the Rev. 12:5 "man child...caught up" symbol he'd "borrowed" (without giving credit) from Irving who had been the first to use it for the same purpose in 1831!
For related articles Google "X-Raying Margaret," "Edward Irving is Unnerving," "Pretrib Rapture's Missing Lines," "The Unoriginal John Darby," "Open Letter to Todd Strandberg," "Deceiving and Being Deceived" by D.M., "Pretrib Rapture Pride," "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty" and "Scholars Weigh My Research." The most documented and accurate book on pretrib rapture history is "The Rapture Plot" (see Armageddon Books online) - a 300-pager that has hundreds of disarming facts (like the ones above) not found in any other source.

9:35 PM  

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