Friday, March 09, 2007

Leewardhope, & Misperceptions

When I first started this blog, I was trying to start a ministry called Leewardhope. This didn't seem to want to come together. But now may be the time! I found out this week that my church helps people who have a ministry, then the ministry grows too big for them to handle with their job and other responsibilities. Then the church steps in with recognition, help, and funding. So I am gathering information to share with our Director of Assimilation and Local Outreach. Earlier this week, I related something about my neighbors. I asked my apartment management again about a handicapped parking space, and left them a note, describing recent events, as well as some of my impressions. I now have a handicapped parking space. Praise the Lord! However, violators of this space can be towed. Considering the trouble I've had with my neighbors, I figured the towing issue could become another game. Then it came to me to take photographs in the parking lot, so the leasing office could deal with violators, rather than my having to deal with them. I started taking pictures before the handicapped sign went up, and didn't say anything to any of the residents about what I was doing, or why. The day after I started, there was suddenly alot more activity than usual in the parking lot. On the third day, the parking lot was practically deserted. And I've been able to find parking easily ever since. Praise the Lord! The picture-taking idea must have been from Him. I certainly wouldn't have thought of anything like that. Today I told management that I was taking pictures, and leaving it up to them to deal with parking violators. They were not amused about my impressions and disagreed with them. My impression, along with other evidence, was that there was drug activity. I was told that the reason for the proliferation of visitors was due to the new baby, and the people who were coming to help. I knew there was a baby (3.5 months old now), and I can willingly attribute some of the visitors to that. However, that doesn't cancel the other evidence I've seen of possible drug activity. And I would ask one question. If it was only about the baby, why were they fleeing? They could have spoken to me to let them know what they were doing, and I would have tried to work something out with them. People don't flee in the absence of guilt. I was just trying to find a place to park. My impressions were just a side note. I wasn't trying to get anyone into trouble. I know I was being messed with, and was tired of it. My best friend told me I couldn't let these people (mess with me and) win. I knew that. The Bible says not to be overcome by evil, but to overcome evil with good. I Know I need to love them in practical ways, but haven't figured out how yet. But mess with me long enough, and there wil l b e consequences.


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