Monday, December 28, 2009

Sabbath-Keeping and Legalism

When you talk about Sabbath-keeping, alot of people automatically think of legalism. I challenge you to think differently. The history of the Sabbath is enlightening and interesting, but I'm not going into that. Jesus said that the Sabbath was not made for man, but man for the Sabbath. He was saying the Sabbath is not a burden. It's not a rule to keep. It's an opportunity to develope a relationship with God. Those who accuse Sabbath-keepers of legalism are really the ones who are the legalists, because they think of it as a rule to keep. Isaiah 56 and 58 contain promises for those who keep the Sabbath. Do you want to be blessed? Then believe the promises and keep the Sabbath. God is a Father who is waiting for His children to trust Him and believe His Word. He delights to reward His children who believe Him and take Him at His Word. As we believe Him and obey His Word, the promises and blessings become ours. In this way we strengthen our relationship with Him. Why wouldn't you want a powerful and satisfying relationship with the Lord? Those who scoff at this kind of reasoning are looking at God as a killjoy. They really don't believe God is a good Father. God isn't a killjoy. He is a loving Father. Believe it and trust Him.


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