Monday, December 14, 2009


Deuteronomy 6:7 "You shall teach them diligently to your sons, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up." Acts 1:8 "You will revceive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you shall be my witnesses." Matthew 28:18-20 [As you] "go...make disciples..baptizing...teaching..." Exodus 4:2 "And the Lord said unto him, 'What is that in your hand?' And he said, 'A staff.'" I think we make evangelism harder than it is. We make it unnatural. We make it into a formula, or set aside some special time when we "go witnessing." A witness is one who has observed something, then tells about it. We have already witnessed, and we are to tell what we have experienced, or are continuing to experience in Christ. We do not set out to witness in the present or future. We shall be His witnesses. A witness is what we are (Acts 1:8). A person full of the Holy Spirit is a witness whether or not he/she talks. But I am not saying we don't need to talk. Are you full of the Holy Spirit? We are to dusciple and teach as we go about our normal daily activities (Deuteronomy 6:7 , Matthew 28:18-20). The Deuteronomy passage refers to teaching children, of course, but that type of teaching is useful for other people, too. Just look at how Jesus discipled. The Lord wants us to use the tools we already have (Exodus 4:2). What is the Lord doing in your life that's exciting to talk about? If nothing, you probably need to work on your relationship with the Lord. Do you pray? Are you really connecting with a Person? Are you allowing for two-way communication? It can happen. He might want to share His secrets with you, or use you to influence world affairs. It can really happen when you pray. What do you expect when you pray? Are you daily in the Word? Is the Lord speaking to you through it? If not, why not? Are you in tune with Him? If not, why not? What is your attitude and intent as you read the Word? If you intend to obey it, the Lord will speak to you through it. If you don't intend to obey it, why are you reading it? It's exciting if you intend to obey it. Why wouldn't you want to obey it? Don't you love the Lord? Isn't His Word like a love letter to you? It's about relationship, not a religion. Religion is external and cut-and-dried. Relationships are exciting, always growing, changing, full of challenges, delightful surprises, and experiences of the Lord's starling power (something you'd want to talk about). Religion is boring. Nobody wants to hear about that. You love to talk about whomever you love. Do you love Jesus? Really? It's as simple as that.


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