Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Back to the Bible

A friend and I were talking about our church's current stewardship campaign. (The plan is to remodel, due to insurance requirements). This friend told me that the church paid at least $17,000 for a stewardship consultant to help us in our endeavor. Really, an individual in the church underwrote that entire consultant fee. Apparently studies have shown that when a church hires such a consultant, more money is raised than without one. It made me stop and think. We actually paid someone to get more money out of us! We paid someone to tell us to sacrifice! Isn't there something wrong with that? People can prove anything they want with studies. Years ago, during another church stewardship campaign, a pastor said that studies had shown that church building programs do not take away from missions giving. They increase it. Well, more recently, someone said that the Church has lagged behind subversive groups in indoctrinating our children. The Church spent so much money on buildings, church campuses, and entertainment that we have neglected to teach our children what is necessary to be overcomers in this evil age. That's a study I can believe. Another thing I believe is that people will use studies to justify anything they want to. We should just stick with the Bible. It's adequate!


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