Thursday, December 02, 2010


I have a friend who claims to be an atheist. I don't believe it's true. I think that she simply doesn't have any other frame of reference for herself, having been raised in an atheistic culture. She has been presented with the Truth many times and chooses not to accept it. I've shared the Gospel with her. Others have, too. I pray for her daily, but I don't keep presenting the Gospel or pressuring her about trusting Jesus. I believe it will take something supernatural in order for her to believe, not more words. This is true in many cultures around the world, and my friend isn't American. My friend understands the Gospel. More explanations won't help. One thing I do is to live out the Gospel. People need to see it in actual experience. I always go back to the golden rule. I try to do unto others what I would have them do unto me. If people try to change my opinion after I've made a decision, it offends me. I don't make snap decisions. I deliberate carefully. I look into matters from all angles, and make thoughtful decisions. Pushing me is counter-productive. My friend comes from a culture that makes decisions in the same way. So I feel I have to respect that. I want people to respect me. Do I want my friend to be a Christian? Passionately so! But I believe that now I must get out of the way, and let the Lord work. I have another friend who keeps on pressing the issue. In response, my non-American friend has told her firmly that she is sorry, but she is an atheist. In light of that, I cringe when my other friend keeps on pushing.


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