Friday, November 19, 2010


In giving thanks, it would be helpful to remember that most of the New Testament was written to believers who experienced persecution as a "normal" part of life. So when the Apostle Paul wrote, "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" in Philippians 4:4, and "Rejoice always" in 1 Thessalonians 5:16, he was speaking to people who were on the receiving end of alot of determined opposition. Not to mention that he experienced plenty of it himself. And to say that our forefathers, who were the first to set aside a day of thanksgiving, were rugged survivors, would be to make a grand understatement. So when we gather in our homes, or in each other's, and sit down in comfort to a huge banquet, it would be well to remember that thanksgiving is expected to be done in rough times. And just maybe, the hard times help us to be grateful for even the small blessings, all of which are undeserved, and which we have received from the gracious hand of a generous God. God bless you all this holiday season. I will be distant from this blog for most of the next three weeks.


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