Thursday, January 13, 2011

God and Our Agenda

I have a prayer partner who lives a very regimented life. Their (her and her husband) agenda rules. She has devotions, is very active in serving God, opens her home for hospitality, has a strong desire to get the Word of God out, is very evangelistic, and they are very generous in giving to certain ministries and in buying literature to distribute for free. But almost every time I talk with her, I get the impression that she is looking at the clock, and have felt pushed away by her in many ways. (Any time we have to push people away in order to follow our agenda, there's something wrong with our agenda). Because of some of her involvements that I have mentioned above, I have tried to get her/them involved in helping me build a non-profit ministry called Shelter of Hope, Inc. (which is located in Indianapolis, IN, and is unrelated to any other agency by the same name in North America). She seems to struggle with this, and her response never reflects the generosity that I witness in their other giving. At times she says something about seeing what they can afford. I know they can afford much more than their giving to Shelter of Hope reflects. The reason I know this is that they travel alot, attend conferences, and stay in hotels, dropping hundreds of dollars at each occasion. I was puzzled until it occurred to me that maybe the key to understanding this has to do with how they keep books. I don't know, but I suspect, that when they budget, they allocate certain amounts of money to certain categories every month. And if they run low in a certain category, they "can't afford" anything more, even though they may have hundreds or thousands of dollars elsewhere. And they don't take money out of an area of abundance in order to replenish one that is low. This is how the Government, and most businesses keep books, and they have to, of course. And I'm not saying that things like savings or retirement accounts are not ok. I'm just referring to general, day-to-day household needs. I don't keep books this way. I can't now, because I don't have enough money with which to do it. But even when I made more money, I didn't do it that way. And I'm not saying that everyone has to do it the way I do. I just see some red flags in the way my friend does things. The Pharisees had everything and everyone in categories, and they missed the Son of God Himself when He came. God doesn't fit Himself into our categories or agendas. We have to fit ourselves into HIS agenda. And I don't believe God fits people into categories. My prayer partner and her husband are generous with poor people sometimes. I have envisioned this scenario, though. What if a poor person comes to them for help, and they have no more money in that category? Would God accept bookkeeping practices as an excuse for not giving to the poor person? No, the Word of God says that if we have this world's goods, and see our brother in need, and close our hearts, the love of God is not in us. Period. I'm not sure what these people would do. They might actually give. But then there's another question: why are they not generous with me? Obviously I am not a priority with them, and I don't have to be, I guess. But because I see a lack of commitment there, I recently downgraded that relationship from a friendship to prayer partner. A prayer partner is important, of course, and I appreciate her prayers, but that is not the point I'm making here. Should I look in the mirror? Maybe, but here's something else. Yesterday, I had a change of plans, because a certain older lady who wanted a visit had a change of plans, and wanted me to visit her yesterday instead of Friday. I was feeling concerned that I hadn't had my usual extended prayer time for the day, and the Lord's response was that He wasn't interested in my usual extended prayer time, and that visiting the lady was more important in His eyes. So, I have to deal with my agenda, too. And even my beloved devotional times are not beyond the Lord's scrutiny. All is subject to Him.


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