Sunday, February 06, 2011

Day of Grace

My pastor canceled services for today, and I thought of going to a certain former church home. Then I started having anxiety due to some unresolved extremely bad experiences there. I haven't figured that the thing would ever be resolved for a variety of reasons. Memories often trigger these negative feelings. So I decided I'd listen to a sermon tape instead. The tape was from a conference that I'd attended. I'd listened to this tape before. The label didn't include a sermon title, and I thought the message was about Ezekiel 48. It was about betrayal. Certainly the staff of that former church home betrayed their trust, and me, in their dealings with me. I had forgiven the staff already. The point of the message that hit me this morning was that we should extend grace to those who have betrayed us. It's one thing to forgive, but to show them kindness is very different. Do those people need me to show them grace? Absolutely! I attended that church today, with no negative feelings. Praise the Lord! I don't know whether or not the Lord will ask me to do anything more in this regard, but I need to be obedient.


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