Saturday, May 20, 2006

Stay Tuned. Anticipation. Devilment

Alot has happened. Sorry I can't get to a computer often. I may not get to one next week, either, since the library will be closed all next weekend. Alot has been happening, and I don't have time to tell you about it now. Leeward Hope may be about to launch, small scale. Stay tuned. These are crucial times for me in alot of ways. Please pray. The devil is very busy. He works mightily against breakthroughs. More than one breakthrough is on the horizon.

Saturday, May 06, 2006


My new apartment is beginning to look like home. Am planning to ask the church to send people my way, people whose lives need a touch from the Lord. Am also working with some church leaders to help improve a certain area of ministry in our church. It tends to be legalistic (this one area), and I hope the Lord will bless us to make it more compassionate and freeing. Please pray.