Friday, October 30, 2009

The Real Story

As I reflected on writing my story, it occurred to me that the real story in my book, An Exquisite Grace, is not what the characters are doing. It's what the Lord is doing in my heart. The Bible is alot like that - real people doing real things, but they are not the main point. God is the main character, both in the Bible, and in my book. I've mentioned before in this blog that I learn best by experience. For this reason I'd be lousy at debate. I have to experience something before I know it. And if I know something by experience, I'm not going to change my mind because of a person's arguments. My book has been a challenge to write, because people can read what's happening and think, "So what?" So I have included some helps in my introduction to help the reader focus on what the Lord is doing in my life.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

John 12:24 NASB

Unless a grain of wheat fall into the earth and dies, it remains alone, but if it dies, it bear much fruit. Jesus is speaking of His own death here. Later, He says that if He is lifted up, He will draw all men to Himself (John 12:32). But He was also speaking of our death. Persecuted believers have plenty of opportunities to put this into practice. John 12:24 is why the church grows when Christians are martyred. Based on Colossians 1:24, persecuted Christians believe that they must die in order for people to be saved. They are right, I'm sure. When Jesus calls us, He invites us to die, both to self, and to physical death for the sake of the Gospel.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Heart Issues

I just love teaching my Sunday School class of elderly people. The Lord has thereby provided me with much food for growth. Yesterday our lesson was on the rich young ruler in Mark 10. The Lord used this story to teach a number of lessons on money. But it's not all about money. It's also about heart issues. The man was in search of something more than keeping the Law. He had kept the commandments, but knew there was more. Otherwise, why would he have asked? Mark says Jesus loved him. Jesus knew the man wasn't lying, that he was a genuine seeker. Then the Lord put His finger on what was standing in the way of this man't quest for eternal life: money and possessions. The man refused. Jesus didn't go after him. He just let him go. It's not a lifestyle issue. It's a heart issue. The issue could have been something else. But for him, it was money and possessions. What is standing in the way of your walk with Christ?

Friday, October 23, 2009

Quick Fix

Many people would like a fast road to maturity. When I was a very young Christian I became discouraged because I thought I wasn't getting it. The road was rough (and still is), and I wasn't seeing the fruit I wanted. But the Lord was at work, and now the fruit is abundant. It takes time. God has no shortcuts. The wait has been worth it. If necessary, the Lord will spend a lifetime doing one thing in your life. But He's probably doing many things at once. Hang in there. For in due time you shall reap, if you don't give up.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Experience and the Word

The Bible says that whoever wills to do His will, will know true doctrine (John 7:17). The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him (Psalm 25:14). I have learned that part of the secret and the willing is testing Scripture out in practical experience. These and all Scripture passages are true. Put the Word to work, and you will find out. God loves it when people take His Word seriously. He loves to build a relationship with any who seek Him seriously ( Hebrews 11:6). Take Him up on it, and you will not be disappointed. I haven't been.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Is it appropriate to use the word "healing" when speaking of emotional and spiritual issues? I have found that most of my "healing" has come when I discover that I'm the source of my own problem. Often the roots lie in bitterness/unforgiveness, ingratitude, and wrong choices buried beneath layers and loads of other issues. I've found that when I assume responsibility for these roots, and decide to take a better way, "healing" takes place, which is another way of saying that God imparts His miraculous grace, to set me free. This does not imply beating myself over the head. My assuming responsibility opens a door for God's glorious and redemptive work in my heart. Have I been wounded? Yes, many times, and grievously so. But I'm not responsible for what people do to me. I'm responsibile for what I do with the pain. And God's overwhelmingly powerful and almost indescribable grace has been abundantly adequate every time. If this is healing, what is the disease? I would rather use the terms "transformation," "maturity," or "growth." Read about it in my book, An Exquisite Grace, coming soon.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Handling Hardship

I have a friend who is experiencing a downturn in his business. He is a Christian, with godly character, & very competitive. Put him with a bunch of guys in a competition, & he'll come out on top, or very near the top. He has always been successful, with over 20 years experience running his own business. He was raised in a Christian home, and never got into trouble. His experience does not include knowing how to handle hardship. Now he's struggling and doesn't know what to do. I suspect the Lord wants to deepen his faith and strengthen his relationship with Him. I'm not faulting his upbringing, but God uses trials to deepen our faith and build godly character. God's Word also says that the Lord chastens whom He loves. If you are in a difficult situation, know that God loves you. If you have kids, don't shield them from trouble.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Another Gospel?

My brother enjoys taking an elderly couple from his church out to eat from time to time. He invites me to come when I'm free. I do not enjoy this. The couple is complacent and never talks about the Lord. They apparently believe they can coast into heaven. Their pastor preaches a salvation message every Sunday. He is not feeding the sheep, as Jesus commanded. He (the pastor) teaches the popular doctrine that you can't lose your salvation, even if you show no evidence of salvation, and behave in a godless manner. (My brother's friends do not behave in a godless manner). He also teaches that the church will not have to go through the tribulation. So he is preaching a gospel that makes no demands on the believer and puts the believer above his or her master. Jesus suffered. His disciples will, too. Suffering is a prerequisite for glorification (Romans 8:17). I fear for my brother's friends, and for his pastor on Judgment Day, and they will be woefully unprepared for tribulation.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Does God put roadblocks in our paths? Or is it the devil? Does the devil open doors down bypaths? God did put angel in Balaam's path. The devil can throw up roadblocks, too. It may be well to slow down, pray, study Scripture, and ask the Lord where the roadblock is coming from, and what He wants you to do. An obedient heart is the key to finding out what God wants. Generally, open doors come from God (Revelation 3:7), unless the opportunity is clearly unscriptural. Timing might be an issue. Sometimes the Lord uses roadblocks to teach us spiritual warfare. But be careful. Don't sacrifice people to your vision. There have been times in my life when the Lord was clearly closing doors. But at such times, He talks to me about His purpose and where He is going with my life.

Friday, October 09, 2009


As I have been writing an autobiographical testimony in a book, I have been learning alot about how much I've grown. The Lord has used many means. Some common ones are: Scripture reading & study, reading related books and newsletters, prayer, godly relationships, good & bad examples, trials, circumstances, & especially developing a very intimate relationship with Him. Circumstances vary alot, & there are no formulas or quick fixes. Of course, regular fellowship with believers is crucial. None of it could have happened without the grace of God, the blood of Jesus, or the power of the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009


Jesus identified Himself with sinful man in every way, except that He was without sin. He is fully man and fully God. He identified Himself with us so that we can be identified with Him. Our identity is first of all, that we are His. Everything else flows from that.

Monday, October 05, 2009


Scripture never teaches us to focus on ourselves. The focus is always to be on Jesus. Thus, I reject the teaching that promotes self-love. God's grace is always sufficient for whatever He commands. We can love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength no matter how we feel about ourselves, because God's grace is there to enable us. I have come to believe that the issue is really identity. If we are identified with Jesus Christ, and cling to Him through all our ups and downs, this relationship will eventually crowd out all that is not pleasing to Him.

Friday, October 02, 2009


I have been reflecting on identity. Each of us has an identity rooted somewhere. It may be in a family member, friend, career, or even in an abusive relationship. As I have grown in Christ and clung to Him through all kinds of joys and challenges, my identity has become so rooted in Him that I have recognized that the old identities no longer fit and must be discarded. By His grace, the Lord has enabled me to see where the old identities come from, to accept responsibility for wrong choices, and move on with my new identity in Him. Praise His Holy Name!