Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What's the Big Deal?

The Sabbath gets to the heart of who we really are. I'm not a Seventh Day Adventist, by the way. Just so you know where I'm coming from. We need to rest one day a week, just from a physical standpoint. Studies have shown that those who work seven days a week accomplish less than those who work six days a week. That's God's order of things. God instituted the Sabbath to refresh us physically and spiritually. He intended for us to regroup spiritually, and keep our priorities straight through Sabbath-keeping. If you think you don't need that, I would challenge you: do you know more than God? And in the last blog, I dealt with God's promises for those who keep the Sabbath. Recreational activities, though they can be refreshing, were not what God had in mind. Many would object to a Sabbath focused on rest and on the Lord alone, and think of it as lazy or boring. It is neither. God intended for us to rest one day a week. If you find that boring, you're probably approaching it legalistically rather than jumping at the chance to develop your relationship with the most fascinating, interesting, and rewarding Person in all of the universe. Or work is one of your idols. Keep the Sabbath, and be refreshed and enriched.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Sabbath-Keeping and Legalism

When you talk about Sabbath-keeping, alot of people automatically think of legalism. I challenge you to think differently. The history of the Sabbath is enlightening and interesting, but I'm not going into that. Jesus said that the Sabbath was not made for man, but man for the Sabbath. He was saying the Sabbath is not a burden. It's not a rule to keep. It's an opportunity to develope a relationship with God. Those who accuse Sabbath-keepers of legalism are really the ones who are the legalists, because they think of it as a rule to keep. Isaiah 56 and 58 contain promises for those who keep the Sabbath. Do you want to be blessed? Then believe the promises and keep the Sabbath. God is a Father who is waiting for His children to trust Him and believe His Word. He delights to reward His children who believe Him and take Him at His Word. As we believe Him and obey His Word, the promises and blessings become ours. In this way we strengthen our relationship with Him. Why wouldn't you want a powerful and satisfying relationship with the Lord? Those who scoff at this kind of reasoning are looking at God as a killjoy. They really don't believe God is a good Father. God isn't a killjoy. He is a loving Father. Believe it and trust Him.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


In My Utmost for His Highest, for December 25, Oswald Chambers says that just as Jesus became man and was born into this world, so He can become incarnate and be born in us. Has Jesus been born in you? Give yourself a great Christmas gift. Turn from your sins and ask Jesus to be Lord of your life. You will never be the same, and you will never regret it. Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Spin Wheels, or Invest?

When is a good time to invest? Say you’re living below the poverty level. You get food stamps, and you’re on an employment program that pays a minimum wage stipend for twenty hours a week. You’re not allowed any other earned income while you’re on the employment program. You’re not eligible for TANF or disability, though you have some job-related physical limitations. You have a vehicle that won’t go anymore. Getting another one is obviously a very high priority. You’re older than the average job seeker. You’re not getting any job offers after several years of looking.

But you’re very creative, good with words. You also write music, and are an awesome singer. You’re well educated, and a seasoned worker, with life experiences that could help a lot of people.

People have asked you if you’ve recorded a CD. You haven’t, but a good friend of yours has a CD burner, and knows a good engineer who would be willing to do a recording at a greatly reduced rate.

This same friend says you should write a book about your life experiences. The two of you decide to self-publish, because you want to be in control of the time factor, and not be locked into the publisher’s schedule. You’ve done your homework. You know the disadvantages. You know what it will cost, and go with the most economical option.

But the economy is bad. Your friends are maxed out financially. They’ll help you in a pinch. But will they help you invest and move forward? Your friend has a vehicle you can use for two or three months while you look for a more permanent transportation solution. You have a prospective buyer for your vehicle, someone who can fix it himself. What do you do with the money from the sale?

Buy another vehicle immediately? That’s the maintenance mindset, putting out a fire. But the money is not enough to get you a decent vehicle. And you have some great income-generating ideas you’re not acting on. So are you really improving your situation if you buy a vehicle immediately? No.

Invest in one of the above projects? Now you’re moving forward. Those projects can bring in more income. Take the time you’ve been given to look for another vehicle, to wait for God’s provision. Invest in one of the projects, though the CD project costs less to start than the book does, and has the potential to bring in more income more quickly. Thus you can recoup your investment and have cash on hand to pay the initial costs of the book publishing project. And you might generate enough cash to buy a better vehicle.

Friday, December 18, 2009


In the 7 letters to the churches (Revelation 2-3) we see 7 rewards for those who overcome. In John 16:33, Jesus says that we will have trouble in the world, but because He has overcome the world, we are to be of good cheer. Our overcoming is based on His overcoming. Romans 8:37 says we overcome through Him. We don't have to do it in our own strength. Revelation 12:11 says, "They overcame him [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb and by the Word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death. We are to be fighters (soldiers). There's no such thing as an easy road to Heaven. I'm always having to learn to overcome something as a Christian.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Is Your Thinking Pagan?

Yesterday I was thinking about a friend of mine, and how some of his behavior drives me nuts. I have been reluctant to say anything to him, because he has been so good to me. This issue has some history that I'll not get into, but basically one conclusion I reached was that my thinking in this matter has been pagan. If a person sins against me, the good that he does to me doesn't cancel it out, just as the good I do doesn't cancel out my sin against God. Scripture teaches us God's way to deal with people who have sinned against us (Matthew 18:15ff, Galatians 6:2). I haven't decided before God whether or not my friend has sinned against me, or whether his behavior reflects a fault, which Scripture tells me to overlook (the exact reference escapes me, but it's in Proverbs). Maybe the Lord is teaching me to trust Him and be patient with my friend.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Deuteronomy 6:7 "You shall teach them diligently to your sons, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up." Acts 1:8 "You will revceive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you shall be my witnesses." Matthew 28:18-20 [As you] "go...make disciples..baptizing...teaching..." Exodus 4:2 "And the Lord said unto him, 'What is that in your hand?' And he said, 'A staff.'" I think we make evangelism harder than it is. We make it unnatural. We make it into a formula, or set aside some special time when we "go witnessing." A witness is one who has observed something, then tells about it. We have already witnessed, and we are to tell what we have experienced, or are continuing to experience in Christ. We do not set out to witness in the present or future. We shall be His witnesses. A witness is what we are (Acts 1:8). A person full of the Holy Spirit is a witness whether or not he/she talks. But I am not saying we don't need to talk. Are you full of the Holy Spirit? We are to dusciple and teach as we go about our normal daily activities (Deuteronomy 6:7 , Matthew 28:18-20). The Deuteronomy passage refers to teaching children, of course, but that type of teaching is useful for other people, too. Just look at how Jesus discipled. The Lord wants us to use the tools we already have (Exodus 4:2). What is the Lord doing in your life that's exciting to talk about? If nothing, you probably need to work on your relationship with the Lord. Do you pray? Are you really connecting with a Person? Are you allowing for two-way communication? It can happen. He might want to share His secrets with you, or use you to influence world affairs. It can really happen when you pray. What do you expect when you pray? Are you daily in the Word? Is the Lord speaking to you through it? If not, why not? Are you in tune with Him? If not, why not? What is your attitude and intent as you read the Word? If you intend to obey it, the Lord will speak to you through it. If you don't intend to obey it, why are you reading it? It's exciting if you intend to obey it. Why wouldn't you want to obey it? Don't you love the Lord? Isn't His Word like a love letter to you? It's about relationship, not a religion. Religion is external and cut-and-dried. Relationships are exciting, always growing, changing, full of challenges, delightful surprises, and experiences of the Lord's starling power (something you'd want to talk about). Religion is boring. Nobody wants to hear about that. You love to talk about whomever you love. Do you love Jesus? Really? It's as simple as that.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Does God Grade on a Curve?

No, but don't despair. His Son has done it all for us. He is not looking for perfect performance. If He did, we'd all be doomed. He's looking for a perfect heart. When Jesus said, "Be perfect," the context was love of enemies (Matthew 5:48). Faith in the New Testament means faithfulness, as well as what we normally mean by faith. In Galatians 2:20, the phrase " in the Son of God" should be translated "faith of," since "of" is the word in the original manuscripts. Or it can be translated "faithfulness." So, "the life I now live in the flesh, I live by the faithfulness of the Son of God," really captures what this faith-life is all about. He has done it all. I trust in Him for that. So the essence of my faith is trust in His faithfulness. I cling to that and run with it!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009


Monday I shared with you about redeemers in the Book of Ruth. In reflection, I believe the Lord has given me a kind of "kinsman redeemer." The Lord has blessed me with a couple of Christian businessmen who have taken an interest in my affairs and have helped me a a number of ways. One of them in particular has taken the role of protector, advisor, coach, and brother. My own family has been only marginally involved in my life. This care by a brother in the Lord has been much needed and is greatly appreciated. I am incomprehensibly blessed. Praise God!

Monday, December 07, 2009


Yesterday in Sunday School, we studied the story of Ruth. How many redeemers are in this story? I say three: God, Boaz, and Obed. This is a beautiful story of grace and redemption, in the midst of Israel's constant straying. God doesn't wait for us to be perfect before He uses us. The geneology of Jesus is full of people who are immoral, including one murderer (David), as well as a few foreigners. God's purposes can't be stopped.

Friday, December 04, 2009

The Lord's Simplicity

I am very serious about most things. When the Lord directs me to do something, I want to do it. Nevertheless, I think the tendency for many is to make things more complicated than they are. The Lord's directives are very simple. Recently He challenged me with a major step of faith. It's scary, but I think the real issue is that He wants me to think about certain things I do and why I do them. And He wants me to ask Him instead of assuming. It's a challenge, because I'm not used to thinking about how I think, and why I do the things in the area of challenge. The Lord is not looking for perfection of action. He's looking for perfection of heart. And He knows our frame. He remembers that we are but dust (Psalm 103:14). That's extremely comforting.