Thursday, August 24, 2006

Fresh Touches

Had a good meeting at the church Friday afternoon. The pastor in charge was very gracious, and offered to do things for me that I would never have thought to ask. Praise the Lord! Almost blew it a few days later, however. There was a huge misunderstanding between me and some people at church, and I communicated some things I never should have. One pastor was masterful in helping me see this, in his gracious, gentle, and affirming way. I'm assured of forgiveness, though one individual has not yet told me he forgives me. I have been reading The God of All Comfort, by Hannah Whitall Smith. It is a Christian classic that shows how Christians need not doubt God, or worry. God has used it greatly in my life this week as He has guided me through some hard trials. At one point tears of joy were flowing down my cheeks. Praise the Lord for His matchless and sweet ways! I did not get the job I interviewed for. Another potential one did not materialize. I turned in my cardiac event recorder. They told me it will be about a week before I hear anything. Much prayer is still needed. Am joining a multiple-person garage sale this weekend. Don't usually do this, but need the money. God bless you.

Friday, August 18, 2006


I had a job interview yesterday. It's a great place to work. Great benefits. Nice people. They will let me know by next Wednesday whether I'm hired or not. I do have serious doubts about my ability to perform the job, however. It is a very strenuous job, and I have health issues that make it questionable as to whether or not I can perform it. I also had a good meeting with some of the staff at church. They were very helpful, beyond anything I expected. The pastor who led the meeting offered to contact my vocational rehabilitation counselor to see if he could help that process along. I never thought to ask him to do anything like that. Some medical people at church can help with health needs. We discussed alot of things. Last year I had talked to this same pastor about wanting to start Leeward Hope. At that time, it didn't seem to connect with him as being anything the church might need. He had told me about someone else to contact, but that person wasn't interested. But as we discussed it yesterday, this pastor saw the need for a ministry like Leeward Hope, because the lack of a ministry like this is affecting him and other family members personally. He said the church staff is having a mini-retreat next Wednesday, and he would bring this up. He made copies of documentation I had with me yesterday. Over all, it was a very encouraging meeting. Praise the Lord! Please keep praying.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Flickers of Hope

I have a job interview next Thursday 8/17 at 10 AM at the Oncology Center, one potential employer from that mailing a few weeks ago. A call earlier in the week from another potential employer assures me that I still have a foot in the door elsewhere as well. The Oncology Center is more likely to pay a living wage. Praise the Lord for these flickers of hope. Please pray. Health concerns continue to be a major challenge, but much prayer from others is seeing me through. I thank the Lord for that as well. Please pray for this concern, too. Romans 8:32 is a real blessing. I had a missionary visitor from New Zealand this week. Campus Crusade.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

God Still Works

My pastor (senior pastor) wanted me to put my Pentecost testimony in writing. He's at a conference now, but is expected back before Sunday. So I'll find out whether or not I get to share it. I probably will, but don't know when. Had an encouraging meeting with another pastor and a lady in the church. Shared the testimony with him. Settled some things. He encourages me that they do, indeed, want to improve this aspect of the church's ministry and appreciate my input. Challenges continue. Am working on follow-up of the employment-related mailing from last week. Small glimmers of hope. Also a new health issue. Keep praying.