Friday, September 29, 2006

Hospitality. Also Perspectives on the Resurrection

As the verses on the left side of this blog indicate, the Lord has directed me to practice hospitality. One opportunity coming up is hosting international students from a local university. I signed up, and have an orientation tomorrow. Another opportunity: My church has a TESOL class. They want people to open their homes to students who want opportunities to practice their English. I'd like to do this, too. On a different note: the past two Sunday evenings our speaker has been a retired lawyer. The first message was on suffering. The second was on the resurrection. He presented this second message from a lawyer's perspective, of course, which is different from the way most of the rest of us think. You know the people who like to point out the Bible is full of contradictions (they think). He said that if he, as a lawyer, interviewed four witnesses in a case, and each of them told the exact same story with the exact same details, he would know he had a conspiracy of liars! It's just not human nature for everyone to have the same perspective on things. Everyone is going to see events from a slightly different perspective. So "contradictions" in the Biblical resurrection accounts, or in any Biblical account are not a problem. He also said that if anyone was going to make up lies about the resurrection, they wouldn't have invented the story that we have in the Bible. A story that shows the Apostles in all their cowardice and other weaknesses. No, they would have presented themselves as heroes. A story that makes women the first witnesses to the resurrection. No, in that culture, the testimony of a woman was considered worthless. A story in which a Roman governor ignores capital crimes of a broken Roman seal and alleged grave robbery. No, those crimes were punishable by death. The Roman governor knew the stolen body alibi was a lie. A story in which the heroes didn't believe Jesus would rise again, but the enemies of Jesus did believe it. No, my readers, Jesus did rise from the dead. The Bible, all of it, is true.

Friday, September 22, 2006


Things happen so fast that I can't keep track of them. Someone will ask me what I did earlier this week, and I have a hard time remembering. Went to a new doctor last week, and he ordered tests. Those are yet future. Problems with my truck. My glasses are now cracked, and I don't know how that happened. The unofficial word from Vocational Rehab is that I'm not eligible. It's unofficial because my counselor was out of the office. It should be official soon. How to respond. I don't think they did their homework. Some of the medical records were so old that they were irrelevant. They should have ordered new tests, but didn't. If they think I'm ineligible, disability will, too, based on the same records. Things can be done, but it takes time. Went to a job fair this week. Already have an interview next week with a company that was there. Praise the Lord! Went to a reception last Saturday for some retired missionaries who worked with Wycliffe in Papua New Guinea. I've known them for a long time. My mother knew the Mrs. before either of them were married. I saw alot of people I've known for a long time. Successful people in the world's eyes. I felt disconnected. I'm not successful in the world's eyes. It's amazing how the church often uses the same criteria for success. Sometimes it's hard to feel valued even in church. But Jesus values me. He died for me and rose again. Praise Him! I want the church to treat me according to 1 Timothy 5:1-3 (like a mother and a sister, and with dignity and respect). Also according to 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, especially love is patient and kind, and is not easily provoked. I don't always feel I get that. The older ladies are nice, but seem to try to mother me. It's somewhat condescending. I don't want another mother. My mother died. I adjusted to that and am ready for someone different. I'm asking the Lord for a soul sister. I've noticed a lady named Bev. I wonder if it will be her. I'm trying to do hospitality. Becky R. came for lunch yesterday. I'm also signing up for international students and others. So many major changes and decisions. The Lord is adequate for these things. I'm not.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Surprise! Surprise!

Two nights ago I was spiritually restless and wrestling with fears. When I decided to apply for disability, the fears disappeared. I almost couldn't believe it! Can it be that the Lord wants me to go on disability? I was talking to a long-time trusted Christian friend and prayer partner about this yesterday. Her insights were helpful. As I reflected on this afterward, things started to fall into place. Not so long ago, the Lord directed me to let the church take care of me. That fits. When I came home from Africa in 1989, I had it in my mind that I had to make it on my own, thinking no one would take care of me. And in fact, hardly anyone did. However, I got into a survival mode and couldn't get out. The Lord started taking away my ability to take care of myself, by means of various and numerous health issues. Still, I wanted to work, if I could. It's a Biblical thing to do. I'm happier working and make better use of my time. Nevertheless, I've reached the point of realizing that there's almost nothing out there that I'm physically capable of doing any more. Or I lack the necessary credentials and have no money to do anything about it. The Lord seemed to slam every door in my face. So, I've gone from the survival mode, thinking I had to do everything on my own, to knowing I can't do anything on my own and having to depend on others. The Lord has forced me to be dependent! This fits, too. Very soon, I should hear from Vocational Rehab. Vocational Rehab is not incompatible with disability. Alot of disabled people work part-time or seasonally. Still, I don't know what the Lord wants to do about that. I'll find out, I guess. Earlier in the year, the Lord showed me that I was going to go a way I'd never been before (Joshua 3:4?). This surely fits!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Steps Forward and Backward

Made progress this week on relationship-building at church. Am transporting a developmentally disabled neighbor to evening and mid-week services. Also met with two staff members on relationship-building and other things. Soon after starting to attend College Park Church last year, I requested elder leadership. I think this request may have been misunderstood. But now this has been given to me in an unexpected way (they may have forgotten about my original request by now). Now I am under the oversight of two elders, and am happy about this arrangement. Praise the Lord! The Lord has shown me that I was too focused on others not connecting with me, and maybe I should work on connecting with others! Am also feeling much better physically. Praise the Lord! But please don't give up praying for my health. Found out this week that the seasonal employer I usually work with has given me only a two-week project for this fall, and may not give me more! Last fall I worked about ten weeks for them. This is definitely not good, as my financial reserves are gone! Urgent prayer is needed. Thanks.

Friday, September 01, 2006

More Grace

Last week I told you about needing forgiveness from someone. Well, I got it. Praise the Lord! In a couple of days I expect to be eating at his table. That's grace! Salvation is by grace through faith. The Christian life should always be like that. Health and other issues abound, but God's mercy and grace also abound. Praise the Lord! I believe the Lord is taking me in a way I've not been before (Joshua 3:4?). He has directed me to let the church take care of me, but has given me no specifics, of course. Since He wants me to let the church take care of me, I suspect they will have to. Lessons in trust. Difficult. Part of a verse in Proverbs says, "Wait for the Lord, and He will save you." Only He can. God bless you.