Friday, June 24, 2011

And the Lord Breaks In

I am about to move. It's not your ordinary move. The Lord is leading. It is probably the only time I've sensed the Lord leading in regard to housing. I wonder why I haven't sensed this before. I haven't asked Him before, I'm sorry to say.

There have been a number of times in recent years that I have moved out of a sense of desperation. And most of the housing I ended up with came accompanied by harassment. This time I am not moving out of a sense of desperation. Praise God!

I wasn't thinking of this when I chose to go to where I am moving. But the Lord broke in and showed me His choice. I was already on a waiting list for some other senior housing. I had no peace about it, though. Then someone called me, then someone else. And the Lord's will became clear. It's beyond me, just a bit. OK, more than a bit.

This move will be a major step forward, getting me out of a rut, but beyond my comfort zone. Another step forward out of the victim lifestyle. The Lord is like that. Often, all I have to do is stop and ask, "Is this what a victim would do, or a victor?" And with that, the Lord shows me the way of victory.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Worldwide Ministry

For most of my life as a believer, I have prayed daily that I would have a part in preaching the Gospel to the whole world as a witness to all nations (Matthew 24:14). Last year in July, I became an online missionary, and this prayer of mine began to be answered. The Lord has blessed me with 681 evangelistic contacts in 57 nations. All the glory goes to Him. You could be involved in this ministry, too.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sunday School Is Not Just for Children

I am incredibly amazed at how the Lord leads me. Twenty two and a half years ago I was reading in my personal devotions (Numbers 14)about how the Lord consigned the Israelites to the wilderness for forty years for their disobedience and unbelief. He spoke to me through that passage, saying that I myself would go through a wilderness experience until I came to the end of myself. The wilderness has been extremely challenging, but I've grown in almost indescribable ways.

Fast forward until now. I've been teaching Sunday School(adults)in the book of Joshua. The Israelites are poised to enter the promised land. I myself am poised to go into a promised land of my own, a "land" that is more than a little beyond my capabilities. But the Lord is clearly leading me through these lessons I am teaching, as well as other means.

And this is not an isolated situation. The Lord leads me like this all the time. The Lord can lead any Christian like this. Is He leading you this way? If not, why not?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Insights from Sunday School

Many people struggle with the fact of God-directed war in the Bible. This week's Sunday School in the Book of Joshua lesson shed some light on that issue. Rahab sided with the spies from the start, and became a believer. She said all of Canaan trembled in fear of the conquering Israeli army. Everyone in Canaan had the same information as Rahab, and could have become believers, too, but only Rahab and her family believed, and were spared. The rest were annihilated.

So war could have been avoided if the people turned to God as Rahab did. They did have a choice.


About a month ago I started having knee trouble. It has become rapidly worse. An MRI is scheduled next week. Since one knee is very unstable, I suddenly saw a need to move out of the tri-level house where I live, lest I fall on the stairs and a worse thing befall me.

I began searching online for senior apartments. I had applied for one several months ago, but had no peace about it. Some options came up, and it became clear that the Lord was leading.

The option I chose has its own caregiver agency, since these are apartments, not a facility where long-term nursing care is available. The option came with the offer of three specials, and the timing of these was truly amazing! I could choose two out of the three. I applied, and am waiting to hear whether or not I've been accepted.

I also applied and was accepted to work for the caregiver agency. I need the work, and don't intend to quit, even if it requires getting an electric scooter. Almost everyone I talk to recognizes the Lord's leading and has more faith than I do that my application will be accepted.

A member of my Sunday School class, however, thinks now might not be the right time to move, considering my new physical challenge. But the opportunity came up because of the challenge! I can't allow a challenge to keep me from an opportunity! That would be letting the challenge control me! Opportunities are often accompanied by challenges. And I think I have Biblical support.

9 "...for a door to me hath been opened -- great and effectual -- and withstanders [are] many" (1 Corinthians 16:9 Young's Literal Translation).