Monday, November 30, 2009

God's Patience

My Sunday School lesson yesterday was from 2 Peter. One point was about God's patience. He wants more people to repent and turn to Him before He brings His judgment to bear. The author of the lesson says that the Lord is patient, because if He judged us immediately for every sin, we wouldn't be able to bear the weight of it. I'm sure this is true. The more I grow in Christ, the more I see the depths of depravity from which I came. I'm intensely thankful for Psalm 103: 14: "...He knows our frame. He rembers that we are but dust." Praise the Lord for that.

God's Patience

My Sunday School lesson was from 2 Peter, regarding God's patience, wanting people to repent before He brings His judgment to bear. The writer commented that if God judged every sin all at once in our lives, we wouldn't be able to bear the weight of it. I've become more convinced of that as I grow in Christ. The more I grow in Christ and am delivered, the more I see the depths of depravity from which I came. I really appreciate Psalm 103:14 "...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How Serious Is Ingratitude?

It's Thanksgiving eve, and of course, everyone has to say something about Thanksgiving. Romans 1:18-32 says the wicked failed to acknowledge God or give thanks. Then follows an extensive list of sins which flow from their ingratitude. That passage includes a statement that God gave them up to these sins. In Numbers 11-14 (at least those chapters), we see that the children of Israel complained often, then rebelled. God then condemned them to wander in the wilderness until all of them died, except Joshua and Caleb. Judging from those two passages alone, I'd say ingratitude is deadly. Scripture is full of exhortations to rejoice and give thanks. God is worthy to be praised, no matter what. In Africa, I was amazed at missionaries who missed people and things at home. I spent so much time enjoying the people, experiences, and things the Lord gave me in Africa, that I didn't have time to miss anything or anyone at home. Why spend so much time and energy desiring what you don't have? Adam and Eve did, and got themselves and us into big trouble.

Monday, November 23, 2009


I don't have fond memories of my childhood. I'm not saying all my memories are absolutely horrible. Neither do I want anyone to feel sorry for me. I'm just telling you what it was like. We were all so wrapped up in our own little worlds, that even when we were doing things together, we weren't really connected. I used to have a bumper sticker that said "It's Never Too Late To Have A Happy Childhood." And it's true. The Lord started giving me memorable times when I entered adulthood, and the intensity and frequency of them has increased as I've grown older. What good are fond memories that you may not live to enjoy? I enjoy the memorable events when they occur, and cherish the memorable people when I'm with them (and even when I'm not). The Lord has given me blessings to pass on to others. That's what it's all about. Maybe a few people will remember me fondly when I'm gone. I've included many of those memories in my recently-copyrighted book, An Exquisite Grace, soon to be available as an electronic book. Other versions planned are a talking book, and a printed version. We are also planning a CD of original music, hopefully following soon after the electronic book. Stay tuned.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Continuing the theme from my last blog, as I consider the direction the direction the Lord wants me to take, reflecting on my fears, the more I see how ridiculous my fears are, how full of myself I am, & how off-base my priorities are in light of His glory, even to the extent of seeing my fears as excuses, disobedience, and rebellion. The Lord is worthy of any sacrifice I can make. I am His to use in whatever ways He wants, and to whatever extent. And I will be blessed as a result.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Answers to Prayer Can Come as Challenges

Last weekend my friend Yuki invited me to a regular international university student event. I'm well beyond the age of most university students. Nevertheless, I believe the Lord wants me to do this. It is way out of my comfort zone in some ways, and would challenge me in the area of self-sacrifice. Twenty years ago, the Lord, through Numbers 14, told me that I'd go through a wilderness experience until I came to the end of myself. This challenge of self-sacrifice is, I believe, an invitation to come to the end of myself. The Lord's message 20 years ago contained a promise of physical healing, but I must be willing to step out in faith in order to receive it.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Adam and Eve and Tithing

Yesterday my pastor preached a sermon on tithing. He used the creation story as an example. The forbidden tree was God's portion, and Adam and Eve could have all the rest. But of course they wanted it all, and robbed God. It reminds me of Achan. The city of Ai was under the ban (which means it was devoted to destruction). It all belonged to God. But Achan wanted a piece of what belonged to God. He robbed God. Consequently, he and his family came under the ban and had to be destroyed. Saul did a similar thing with the Amalekites, when he kept some of what was to be destroyed. Technically he also came under the ban, but God spared him for a time. In the end, though, he had to be destroyed. Be greedy and be destroyed. Render to God what is His and He will bless.

Friday, November 13, 2009

What to Pray For

Persecuted Christians don't bother to try to change their circumstances. They just assume the persecution is a part of life, and get on with the task at hand. What do you think? Should we pray that our bad circumstances will change, or even work for that?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Sometimes I think the focus of American Christians is all wrong. We seem to think that if we are suffering, something needs to be fixed. Persecuted Christians believe suffering is a normal part of life, and rightly so. We focus on what is wrong and how we can change it. Christians in China (and other restricted nations) don't bother to try to change anything. They assume they will be persecuted, and don't worry about it. They just get on with the business of life and serving the Lord. It seems like we could follow their example. Focus on trouble, and it will overwhelm you. Focus on the Lord, and He will give you sufficient grace to deal with whatever is happening.

Monday, November 09, 2009


Ruth is one of my favorite books in the Bible. Set in a context in which God's own people are going astry, it tells of one who was not one of God's people, and who came to faith in the One True God. Judges, Kings, and Prophets all tell of Israel's waywardness. Ruth stands out as one who left her waywardness and became one of God's own people, and an ancestor of Jesus Christ. For this reason I call Ruth the Jewel of the Old Testament. It's about true faith, not just lineage.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Christians and Political and Social Action

Most persecuted Christians live in countries where they don't have the political process, or the history of it, that we have in the US. They know they don't have any recourse in this world, so they live as those who have nothing to lose. We would be wise to follow their example. I suspect we might not have the privileges we currently have for very much longer. I'm not supportive of the patriot movement, however. Scripture teaches that we should be subject to the governing authorities (Romans 13:1), and that we should pay taxes (Romans 13:7). Our hope is in God, not in the political process, or anything else. The Bible is higher than the Constitution. Nevertheless, if there is a conflict of loyalty, we should obey God, not man (Acts 5:29).

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Why Am I Here?

Have you ever wondered why the Lord put you where He did, or with certain people? Reasons could be many. The Lord is doing multiple things in your life and mine at any given time. I have some friends who have helped me out in many ways. I'm sure we can't fathom all of the ways. Now one of my friends is in serious financial trouble, and I can see how my experience with suffering can help him. The Lord is in control at all times. I have learned to refer all things, big and small, to Him. I can't figure it all out, and am glad I don't have to. Trust and rest in Him.

Monday, November 02, 2009


Yesterday's Sunday School lesson was based on 1 Peter 1:13-25. The writer developed holiness as loving attitudes and actions, a perspective I hadn't seen before. He referred to John Wesley's 3 rules: do no harm, do good, and attend to the ordinances and spiritual disciplines. Due to the large number of ministers in my ancestry, I have a Methodist Episcopal Discipline from 1814. I read most of the "3 rules" section from that document, then asked the class what they thought. They actually felt the directives in that section were still valid for today. I was surprised. Most people would think them legalistic, I believe. The discussion highlighted a common perspective on holiness, though. Many people think of holiness as rule-keeping. The Wesleyan perspective is actually holiness of heart, which is more Biblical.