When It Doesn't Seem to Work
"I've tithed, Lord. Where is the financial blessing that there is not room enough to receive(Malachi 3)?" "The blessing is not always material. The timing is yet future. I am teaching you to depend on my grace completely. I am teaching you to trust me and depend on me whether I bless you materially or not. I want you to desire me, not what I give you. Trusting me is not a commercial transaction. Your relationship with me is the most important thing. I will take care of you." The Bible is not a collection of proof texts: put something in; get some predictable thing out. The Bible is the story of Redemption. It's all about Jesus, and having a relationship with Him. It's Spirit, not law. We want the details. God wants us to see the big picture. We want to know when the Rapture is, whether or not we'll have to go through the Tribulation, the timeline of the Book of Revelation, and many other such things. Jesus said, "It is not for you to know the times or seasons (God's timing) which the Father has put in His own authority, but you shall be witnesses unto me." "Watch." "Be ready." The timing and details are God's business. Being ready and doing what He wants is our business. If we try to focus on what is God's business, we'll miss what He is doing, and self-destruct in the process. He won't give us grace to do things in our own strength and in our own way. But His grace is abundant for all who trust Him and obey.