Moving Experiences
The Lord did lead me to a moving Good Friday service at noon Good Friday at Grace Community Church. It was a tenebre service with Communion. Praise the Lord! Another moving experience occurred 4/22/06. The Lord gave me the privilege of hosting a Kenyan couple, Rev. & Mrs. John Wesley Nguuh, and 4 others, in my temporary home. It was my hope that someone would be profoundly touched and moved by this experience. Someone was. A new believer (about 1 year old in the Lord) named Bob was deeply moved. Praise the Lord! Fellow Christians, that's where it's at: Practice hospitality (a Biblical command) and see lives changed as a result. Another moving experience: I'm moving tomorrow! I will not give my new address and phone number on this page, but I praise the Lord for providing this place, close to just about everything I do.