Friday, April 28, 2006

Moving Experiences

The Lord did lead me to a moving Good Friday service at noon Good Friday at Grace Community Church. It was a tenebre service with Communion. Praise the Lord! Another moving experience occurred 4/22/06. The Lord gave me the privilege of hosting a Kenyan couple, Rev. & Mrs. John Wesley Nguuh, and 4 others, in my temporary home. It was my hope that someone would be profoundly touched and moved by this experience. Someone was. A new believer (about 1 year old in the Lord) named Bob was deeply moved. Praise the Lord! Fellow Christians, that's where it's at: Practice hospitality (a Biblical command) and see lives changed as a result. Another moving experience: I'm moving tomorrow! I will not give my new address and phone number on this page, but I praise the Lord for providing this place, close to just about everything I do.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday

Am looking for a Good Friday service (with Communion) that doesn't interfere with my work schedule. May the Lord grant my request. Am unwilling just to skip the service, as Good Friday comes only once a year. But I also need the money and can't afford to miss work. What Jesus did for me on the cross is too important to subordinate to money, though. Life goes on at the farm. Dealing with the critters is interesting. I need another place to live by the 29th. And, of course, I need another (better) job. However, am thankful for the temporary ones I have (housing and job). I wrote a letter to my pastor a few weeks ago. This week I was stunned to receive a reply. Why was I stunned? Because I didn't request or need a reply. And because my pastor is so busy leading a church of 2000-3000. I may be emboldened to write him another letter. May the Lord bless you. And may you apply the Truth of Jesus' atonement to your lives.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Location, Location

I am now house sitting and pet sitting in Noblesvile, on a small farm. I was hoping to use their computer, but they have poor internet service. I'm grateful for the peacefulness of this place. Praise God for that, and please continue to pray that the Enemy's plans will be thwarted. I am grateful for mostly steady, albeit temporary work. I'm far away from work and church, but it's only temporary and is worth it. Please continue to pray for permanent housing, and work or ministry (paid). The pets and I are doing alright, but the dog and I have communication problems. And it was very interesting dealing with the dog during the tornado watch. We're ok, though. Praise the Lord! The women's director at church wants me to check into disability, saying my employment situation is "going nowhere." She's right about the last part, but I don't believe disability is my only alternative. I'm happier and healthier while working. Praise the Lord! And I don't believe the Lord wants me to go on disability. I think working on launching the Leeward Hope ministry is a better idea, and more glorifying to the Lord. Please pray the Lord will raise up those who will commit themselves to helping launch this ministry.