Monday, March 26, 2007


The Lord sometimes uses strange methods (we think) in opening up ministry opportunities. I may have told you about having received a reserved parking spot where I live. I live in an apartment complex where the law of the street prevails, at least in my area of the community. There have been a number of violations in regard to this parking place. All but one of them have been visitors of people next door, or at least people they know. At times, these neighbors can be cooperative, and even helpful. Yesterday evening, however, they were drinking when I got home, and, yes, a car was parked in that spot. They seemed slow to move, and I didn't want to confront inebriated neighbors. So, I stayed in the truck and prayed. Eventually, the owner of the car did drive off (15-20 minutes later). As I walked by the remaining partiers, one man got in my face, but didn't threaten me. I called one of my prayer partners. I certainly didn't want to stay there, and my lease is up for renewal (they need the paperwork this week). However, as I prayed about it and reflected on the situation, it became clear that the Lord wants me to stay, and with the help of my church, launch this ministry He put on my heart two years ago, with the intent of impacting my community positively for Christ. So I'm moving forward. Much prayer is needed. It's exciting, but scary.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


This past Sunday evening, we had a huge evangelism seminar with author Mark Cahill. He's very motivational. He also has written a couple of books (at least). I wouldn't be able to describe any of this in a few words. He does have a website ( His book, One Heartbeat Away is a great giveaway for unbelievers. His other book, One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven, helps equip amateur evangelists. I want to engage my culture evangelistically and otherwise through the Leewardhope ministry the Lord put on my heart a couple of years ago. I will be in dialogue with church leaders about this. Otherwise, we are continuing our Sunday morning series in Hebrews. I have been busy with a seasonal job. That's why I haven't been on this blog. Meanwhile, I continue to struggle with deteriorating health. This should not hinder the Leewardhope ministry, as I would need only to be a hostess, and facilitator of discussion. What I want to see happen, is open my home to Sunday afternoon discussion (and food). We'd be discussing current issues from a Biblical perspective, with a view to evangelizing the lost, discipling new believers, and motivating the underinvolved. More on this another time.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Leewardhope, & Misperceptions

When I first started this blog, I was trying to start a ministry called Leewardhope. This didn't seem to want to come together. But now may be the time! I found out this week that my church helps people who have a ministry, then the ministry grows too big for them to handle with their job and other responsibilities. Then the church steps in with recognition, help, and funding. So I am gathering information to share with our Director of Assimilation and Local Outreach. Earlier this week, I related something about my neighbors. I asked my apartment management again about a handicapped parking space, and left them a note, describing recent events, as well as some of my impressions. I now have a handicapped parking space. Praise the Lord! However, violators of this space can be towed. Considering the trouble I've had with my neighbors, I figured the towing issue could become another game. Then it came to me to take photographs in the parking lot, so the leasing office could deal with violators, rather than my having to deal with them. I started taking pictures before the handicapped sign went up, and didn't say anything to any of the residents about what I was doing, or why. The day after I started, there was suddenly alot more activity than usual in the parking lot. On the third day, the parking lot was practically deserted. And I've been able to find parking easily ever since. Praise the Lord! The picture-taking idea must have been from Him. I certainly wouldn't have thought of anything like that. Today I told management that I was taking pictures, and leaving it up to them to deal with parking violators. They were not amused about my impressions and disagreed with them. My impression, along with other evidence, was that there was drug activity. I was told that the reason for the proliferation of visitors was due to the new baby, and the people who were coming to help. I knew there was a baby (3.5 months old now), and I can willingly attribute some of the visitors to that. However, that doesn't cancel the other evidence I've seen of possible drug activity. And I would ask one question. If it was only about the baby, why were they fleeing? They could have spoken to me to let them know what they were doing, and I would have tried to work something out with them. People don't flee in the absence of guilt. I was just trying to find a place to park. My impressions were just a side note. I wasn't trying to get anyone into trouble. I know I was being messed with, and was tired of it. My best friend told me I couldn't let these people (mess with me and) win. I knew that. The Bible says not to be overcome by evil, but to overcome evil with good. I Know I need to love them in practical ways, but haven't figured out how yet. But mess with me long enough, and there wil l b e consequences.

Monday, March 05, 2007

What Do You Hope In?

Yesterday at church, the sermon was from Hebrews 7:1-19. During the service, I was have some horrible and strange feelings. I was attributing them to spiritual causes, but upon reflection, and after another episode, I began to wonder whether or not they were a side effect of a new medication. Anyway, they got my attention. The subject of the sermon was one of those that can leave you scratching your head and wondering how to apply it. The preacher's application hit me right between the eyes. Hebrews 7:19 talks about a "better hope." The preacher made a distinction between "linear" hope, and "vertical" hope. Vertical hope, of course, is hoping in Jesus, which is the better hope. Linear hope is in the things we hope in in this life. The preacher listed better job, better finances, better health, and things like that. Of course, his list described me. Those are the things I've been struggling with, and hoping in, apparently. And who wouldn't want things to get better? But the point is, they shouldn't be our hope. So, I accepted the Lord's verdict and repented. And immediately, those horrible and strange feelings I'd been having disappeared, which was why I was tempted to ascribe them to spiritual causes (I haven't completely decided what the cause was). It has been interesting to reflect on what some of my neighbors hope in. Some of them have taken to "stealing" parking spaces from me as soon as I vacate them. Sometimes they will get out of bed very early (though they like to sleep in), move their car/van to the spot I just left, and go right back into the apartment. How do I know that's what they do? The tracks in the snow are very telling. These are the same people who already harass me in other ways. I might not notice too, much, except that the parking lot has become crowded with extraneous cars, and sometimes it's very hard to find a place to park. So these folks seem to live for (hope in) opportunities to get "one up" on somebody else. In a way, it's rather humorous, and in another way it's extremely sad. They obviously have nothing to live for, no purpose in life, and they need the Lord.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Last Sunday's sermon was a good follow-up to the previous one. It figures. The preachers are preaching consecutively through Hebrews. God knows what we need. The very next one, Hebrews 6:13-20, is about hope. "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul." It was about how sure you can be. There were four points. I remember only one: God cannot lie. Praise the Lord! Another hopeful thing is that Yuki is continuing her journey toward faith. She said she's reading the Bible I gave her, and attending an international student Bible study. Praise the Lord for that! Then, I'm having a doctor appointment related to Vocational Rehab and disability issues. The outreach department at church approved my summer ministry idea, and I can raise support. Praise the Lord for both of those things. There is one glitch, however. The ministry I want to be involved in has restricted the number of camps I can work. So I'm looking for opportunities with other local ministries to supplement the camp ministry. Hopefully, the church will approve that.