The Lord sometimes uses strange methods (we think) in opening up ministry opportunities. I may have told you about having received a reserved parking spot where I live. I live in an apartment complex where the law of the street prevails, at least in my area of the community. There have been a number of violations in regard to this parking place. All but one of them have been visitors of people next door, or at least people they know. At times, these neighbors can be cooperative, and even helpful. Yesterday evening, however, they were drinking when I got home, and, yes, a car was parked in that spot. They seemed slow to move, and I didn't want to confront inebriated neighbors. So, I stayed in the truck and prayed. Eventually, the owner of the car did drive off (15-20 minutes later). As I walked by the remaining partiers, one man got in my face, but didn't threaten me. I called one of my prayer partners. I certainly didn't want to stay there, and my lease is up for renewal (they need the paperwork this week). However, as I prayed about it and reflected on the situation, it became clear that the Lord wants me to stay, and with the help of my church, launch this ministry He put on my heart two years ago, with the intent of impacting my community positively for Christ. So I'm moving forward. Much prayer is needed. It's exciting, but scary.