Theological Perspectives
The Lord has exposed me to the various evangelical theological perspectives in a major way throughout my life. This has given me a broader perspective than I would have if I'd stayed within one denomination all of my life. It has helped me see the nuances of each perspective. This is not the same as church-hopping. I firmly believe that where I worship is not for me to decide, and endeavor to follow the Lord's leading in this. I am firmly Arminian, and believe this is the Lord's will. And my love affair with theology has revealed some surprises. I have found that the United Methodist Church has given me a good idea of what Arminianism is as a whole. Nazarenes and Wesleyans tend to get lost in the trees, and misses the big picture. The UMC looks more at the big picture, and could do well to look more at the trees. Many Arminians practice their faith like Calvinists, and need to have a better look at what it really means to be Arminian. One discovery of mine has been how relevant the Bible is for today, and how Biblical concepts are not to be seen just as something for those people in Bible days. They are to be lived out today in much the same way they were lived out then. Ruth, for example. As I've said in a previous blog. I am Ruth. A friend and I are an illustration of how redemption should be worked out in practical living.