God's Love for the Church in Human Form
I wrote a poem, and versified some Scripture that could be put to music eventually. The Scriptures were Psalms 8 and 19, Romans 1, and Ephesians 5. Also, my Sunday School lesson this Sunday is from Song of Solomon. We have two Sunday School quarterlies per quarter, one for the teacher (me), and one for the student. Each is written by different authors. Normally the authors complement each other. This time, however, they took different paths. The author of the student book took the approach of comparing the love of the two people in Song of Solomon to the love of Christ for His Church. The authors of the teacher book took a literal approach, and wrote about sex. Which is correct? Probably both. At first, the idea of human romantic love being a picture of Christ and the Church, especially based on Song of Solomon, seemed forced to me, but the more I read, the more this idea "resonated" with me. In the versified Scriptures mentioned above, and in my last post about the Lord's Supper, this idea shows signs of promise. It's "growing on me." I plan to do more study and writing on the subject of comparing the subject of God's love for the Church with that of the relationship between husband and wife. I recall reading somewhere that the reason a man and woman should get married is for their marriage to be a testimony of Jesus' love for the Church. Interesting idea. Stay tuned for more on this general subject. (But I'm not saying when).