At church on Pentecost Sunday, a lady gave a testimony about how she went forward last year on Pentecost Sunday, how Pastor Kauffman prayed for her, and how the Lord blessed as a result. Pastor Kauffman preached a sermon about Pentecost. Then he invited people to come forward if they wanted a fresh touch of the Holy Spirit. He said he wanted two testimonies from people who went forward. I went forward, as did several others. Pastor Kauffman prayed a simple prayer for me. The next few days, I seemed to be experiencing some depression. But, combined with other symptoms, I began to realize I was having an episode of very low blood sugar, which I haven't experienced for a very long time. I thought I'd talk to my sister-in-law about diet, since she is very good with that. I kept putting it off because I was busy. I decided to call her Thursday, but by then, I didn't need it! I felt fine, without dietary or medical inter-vention! Praise the Lord! It didn't hit me until the next Sunday, that this was the answer to Pastor Kauffman's prayer. He was sick, though, and absent from church, so I haven't had a chance to tell him yet. I can hardly wait!