Friday, July 28, 2006

Dividing Up the Land

This week I have been reading in Joshua about Israel dividing up the promised land. Since the Lord has been using the wilderness and promised land themes in my life, I asked the Lord for some "territory" in the "promised land," in terms of finding a job soon in the area in which I live. I have taken a very bold step of faith to this end. Please pray. The promised land theme applies to other areas of my life, but I won't go into that today. Overall there have been some definite improvements in my situation, but there are still some "cliff hangers" as well. I am full of gratitude to the Lord for His faithfulness to me, but it doesn't mean I don't worry about the "cliff hangers." I am also working on some "territory" in regard to an area of ministry which I hope to influence in my church. Please pray about this, too. Newcomers to the blog, please refer to the archives to get "up to speed" as far as the history of the blog is concerned.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Ecclesiastes - Fear God & Keep His Commandments

The key to overcoming the fear of man is the fear of God , per Edward Welch in his book When People are Big and God Is Small. If your fear is of something other than man, I suppose the same is true. Dr. Welch puts it this way, "Fear God and do your duty." It's like I said, when you don't know what to do, first do what you know you should do. There's nothing much new to report this week. The Lord did bless me with a buyer for my harpsichord, which I've been trying to sell for years. I'm very thankful for that. "All contributions gratefully accepted," as my mother used to say.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Plodding Along

Vocational Rehab was not all I was told it would be. I did get a list of contacts of people who assist persons with disabilities with job placement. I'm thankful for that and have been working on it already (my appointment was yesterday). More health issues this week. The conquest of the promised land requires fighting. Please keep on praying.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

One Foot in Front of Another

I hit the ground running when my seasonal job ended and sent out resumes, made lots of phone calls, and had one interview with a temp agency. There's also a job fair this week. I also feel the Lord wants me to have a big yard sale. I know He wants me to get rid of "stuff." I'm advertising for helpers in a publication my church puts out, and have made good headway cleaning stuff out of my attic and closets. I'm looking for ways to save money, but found I'm not eligible for energy assistance in the summer, due to age and disability requirements. I'm also not sure the Lord wants me to apply for Vocational Rehab, which I find puzzling, due to other related steps I've taken in obedience to the Lord. Guidance can be a problem, even for someone who has been a Christian for 36 years. Chronic unemployment or underemployment makes it hard to keep a good attitude. One trick in regard to both guidance and attitude is to take the steps you are absolutely sure the Lord wants you to take, then trust Him. Trusting is the hard part. Last Sunday the preacher was the new head of the church counseling department. If his counseling style is as good as his message (Galatians 6:1), he could be a good influence on staff.