Saturday, September 24, 2005

Updates, Prayer Requests, & Answers

Am mostly finished with my CDLC application, but am waiting for some information from another individual. Will send her a reminder. The job search is not going well. Please pray about that, and about finances, an umbrella group for my organization, legal status, vehicle repair needs of $3000-4000 and no means either to repair or trade, the need for prayer partners and other types of volunteers, landlord & neighbor issues, housing for the ministry. There were 2 others, but I don't remember them. Praise for answer as to how to deal with my landlord. Am moving towards committing to my new church home. Praise for a good friend the Lord has given me. I need loyal and committed friends. Have started taking tax class. Please pray for success, and for clients during the tax season. Please also pray for clients for free lancing in tutoring, teaching English as a second language, speaking opportunities, and various editorial functions. Went to another prayer meeting for the persecuted church. Was able to travel with newcomers to the ministry. Another prayer request is for me to keep my focus and deal with stress.

5/27/11 For CDLC, see comments on the previous post. Also, the tax connection wasn't within my aptitude.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Progress and Surprises

The application for assistance from the Community Development Law Center is easier than I expected. Praise the Lord! I hope to be finished some time next week, the Lord willing. I'm waiting for information from someone else in order to finish it. Also, links are being created from other web sites to mine. This should increase traffic to this site and enhance my employability. I have narrowed down my job search. The Lord is focusing my attention on a new church home. It was a surprise to me, but it should really be helpful to me in developing and carrying out this ministry. It will involve some sacrifice, but the expected benefits should be worth it. I will reveal the name of this church at a later time. Please keep praying for me.

5/27/11 The Lord did not Keep the door to the CDLC open.

Saturday, September 10, 2005


This week I met with Don & Linda Boden of Lutheran Disability Ministries. They were very helpful, and I now have enough information to become legal as an unincorporated non-profit ministry, which is viable for tax-deductible donations. They also gave me some ideas about organizations that might provide me with a permanent legal umbrella. I also connected with the Community Development Law Center, a free service. They may help, but I have to pass their application process first. They may also be able to help connect me with a potential legal umbrella. The more I work on this, the more appealing this option looks. I have also researched possible legal umbrellas on my own. My personal financial situation is discouraging. I like to do something I can already do (tutoring, TESOL, speaking/preaching), but am also looking into learning to be a tax preparer. I certainly have alot of experience doing my own taxes (not just the EZ form, either). Almost 40 years' experience. I'm planning a huge yard/garage sale, 9/24, the Lord willing. Please pray for me.

5/27/11 The Lord said no to these prospects.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Additions & New Mission Statement

Due to a major problem recently with my landlord, I believe the Lord is leading me to expand my focus to include empowering people to deal with unscrupulous landlords. I've certainly learned alot and want to share what I've learned. My new mission statement is: befriending developmentally delayed persons; encouraging adoption; empowering disadvantaged renters. I am once again unemployed. I'm seriously considering learning to be a tax preparer. I've had almost 40 years experience doing my own taxes, which have covered a variety of areas. Fall seasonal work is turning out not to be as extensive as expected. Still needed: prayer! Lawyer to help with organizational paperwork.

5/27/11 The Lord did not lead us to do this.