Updates, Prayer Requests, & Answers
Am mostly finished with my CDLC application, but am waiting for some information from another individual. Will send her a reminder. The job search is not going well. Please pray about that, and about finances, an umbrella group for my organization, legal status, vehicle repair needs of $3000-4000 and no means either to repair or trade, the need for prayer partners and other types of volunteers, landlord & neighbor issues, housing for the ministry. There were 2 others, but I don't remember them. Praise for answer as to how to deal with my landlord. Am moving towards committing to my new church home. Praise for a good friend the Lord has given me. I need loyal and committed friends. Have started taking tax class. Please pray for success, and for clients during the tax season. Please also pray for clients for free lancing in tutoring, teaching English as a second language, speaking opportunities, and various editorial functions. Went to another prayer meeting for the persecuted church. Was able to travel with newcomers to the ministry. Another prayer request is for me to keep my focus and deal with stress. 5/27/11 For CDLC, see comments on the previous post. Also, the tax connection wasn't within my aptitude.