Continued from 8/26/09. A sin that is the root of something, if it first took place before I surrendered your life to Jesus, I am forgiven. Nevertheless, consequences can continue until He shows me that sin, and I respond with repentance, and with taking responsibility for it. I may or may not be released from the consequences of that sin after that, depending what the sins was. Consequences of sins which affect my health or my relationships, for example, may continue, because of the lasting effects of those sins in my body, or in the lives of people who were affected. Release from consequences may also depend on my learning new habits of behavior. Learning new habits takes time, so I need to be patient. The Lord is. He might take a lifetime to teach me something, if necessary. Is that wasted time? No. The Lord is in control and has a plan. With Him, the means in the end (per Oswald Chambers, in My Utmost for His Highest). We think we have to measure everything and to have quantifiable results. This is not the Kingdom way. We do have Heaven as a goal. But along the way, the Lord is sanctifying me, and conforming me to His likeness. That is the end. Heaven is the reward. But I can get some rewards in life as well