Hospitality. Also Perspectives on the Resurrection
As the verses on the left side of this blog indicate, the Lord has directed me to practice hospitality. One opportunity coming up is hosting international students from a local university. I signed up, and have an orientation tomorrow. Another opportunity: My church has a TESOL class. They want people to open their homes to students who want opportunities to practice their English. I'd like to do this, too. On a different note: the past two Sunday evenings our speaker has been a retired lawyer. The first message was on suffering. The second was on the resurrection. He presented this second message from a lawyer's perspective, of course, which is different from the way most of the rest of us think. You know the people who like to point out the Bible is full of contradictions (they think). He said that if he, as a lawyer, interviewed four witnesses in a case, and each of them told the exact same story with the exact same details, he would know he had a conspiracy of liars! It's just not human nature for everyone to have the same perspective on things. Everyone is going to see events from a slightly different perspective. So "contradictions" in the Biblical resurrection accounts, or in any Biblical account are not a problem. He also said that if anyone was going to make up lies about the resurrection, they wouldn't have invented the story that we have in the Bible. A story that shows the Apostles in all their cowardice and other weaknesses. No, they would have presented themselves as heroes. A story that makes women the first witnesses to the resurrection. No, in that culture, the testimony of a woman was considered worthless. A story in which a Roman governor ignores capital crimes of a broken Roman seal and alleged grave robbery. No, those crimes were punishable by death. The Roman governor knew the stolen body alibi was a lie. A story in which the heroes didn't believe Jesus would rise again, but the enemies of Jesus did believe it. No, my readers, Jesus did rise from the dead. The Bible, all of it, is true.