Little Is Much
Yesterday I was looking at the Biblical concept of God using "small" people and things to accomplish great things for Him. Examples abound: David and Goliath, the widow's mite, the jar of oil that never quit, Mary's jar of ointment, small lunches that fed multitudes, Gideon, and concepts like God not choosing the wise and important, as in 1 Corinthians 1:26-29, and revealing spiritual truths to babes in Matthew's Gospel. A friend of mine recently said I was the poster child for destitute people helping the destitute. I was talking to another friend yesterday about the same thing. God still creates something out of nothing. I'd rather be doing something with the very little I have than sitting around doing nothing, and feeling sorry for myself about my lot in life. A number of years ago, I saw this message on a church marquee: "Whatever your lot in life, why don't you try to build something on it?" That message helped knock me out of a time of reverse culture shock (recently returned from missionary service), and it's still relevant today. Destitution is a state of mind. I do not advocate the prosperity gospel, which is no gospel at all. What I do advocate is trusting the Lord with everything you have, and seeing what He can do with it. I call it investing. Little Is Much may be a good theme for Shelter of Hope, Inc., a non-profit ministry the Lord helped a friend and me start two years ago. Some of you May remember the old Gospel song "Little Is Much." Yesterday the Lord gave me new verses for it (leaving the chorus intact). Happy New Year. God bless you all.